Senior-friendly exercises and articles to improve well-being and understanding of common conditions seniors experience.
Go Outside, It's Good for You
While our homes may be cozy, you'd never guess there are a number of reasons why you'd want to spend time outside. These are the health benefits of being outdoors!
Should I Wear Shoes Inside My House?
For years, a great debate has raged about whether you should wear shoes inside the house or not. Some say it's a hygiene risk, while others say it's no big deal. Who's right?
The Importance of Timing for a Knee Replacement Surgery
If you have osteoarthritis in your knees, you may eventually require knee replacement surgery. One recent study found that many aren't getting the operation at the right time. Your timing matters!
Stay Fit, Even When You're Stuck at Home
If you want to get fitter, but the gym isn't an option, what are some equipment-free workouts or exercises that you can do at home?
The Physical Toll of Excessive Stress
Being stressed out isn't fun on its own, but when it becomes chronic, stress can have wide-ranging effects on our health. Here are a few of the most well-supported claims.
Recovering from a Broken Bone
If you've broken a bone, you may be getting impatient, waiting for it to heal. Luckily, there are a few tips that may help broken bones recover more quickly!
What Are Service Animals?
Being around animals can be good for you in general, but if you qualify for a service animal, it can change your life. Here's how!
5 Healthy Ways to Stay Busy on a Rainy Day
A rainy day can ruin your plans, but you don't have to spend it curled up on the couch. Here are five healthy ways to stay busy indoors when it's a rainy day during spring!...
Ways to Avoid Getting Sick
With the spread of the coronavirus and seasonal flu, we wanted to answer the question what are some ways you can stay healthy and avoid getting sick?
The Health Benefits of Photography
Photography can be a fun pastime and creative outlet for many. It can also positively influence your health in numerous ways!
Giving Your Home a Fire Safety Check
House fires cause billions of dollars in damages and thousands of deaths each year. You can prevent this danger by giving your home a fire safety check!
More Simple Tips to Stay Mentally Sharp
Your cognitive health is one of the most important factors in your quality of life. Here are more simple ways you can stay mentally sharp as you age!
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